
Tervetuloa Lildogiin. Oikeutesi ovat meille tärkeitä

We love to see that you are interested in our service and products! This means that you love dogs too. It also means that together we can help improve the lives of dogs around the world.

By using our service, you can embark on a new and improved life with more security and increased knowledge about your dog. The terms are designed for two reasons: to ensure that you are familiar with the product and what rights you have, and to secure our rights as a company.

Lilbit AS is the producer and owner of the Lildog ® brand. This means Lilbit AS is responsible for anything that has to do with the Lildog service. Therefore any communication related to Lildog ® will be subjected to Lilbit AS - the official legal contact to the Lildog service.  For more detailed information go to ‘proprietary rights’.

Please read these terms and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Contact information can be found at the bottom of these terms and on www.lildog.com.

By accessing or using any part of the Lildog service, you acknowledge and agree to these terms of service.


The Lildog device can be configured, monitored and contacted through the Lildog App. Be aware that the product/ device will not work without the Lildog App.

When "we", "our" or "us" is used below, it means Lilbit AS. When the “Lildog service” is used it means either the “Lildog mobile application'', the “Lildog device” or both.

The Lildog device is intended to be worn by a dog and used by its owner.

What is lildog?

Lildog is a product that the customer attaches to their dog’s collar or harness. The product offers precise tracking of the dog’s location and gives information about the dog's wellbeing.

To use the service you must download the Lildog app on your smartphone. The app is free and available on iOS and Android services (App Store and Google Play). For a complete overview of the device’s and app’s functionality, please read more in the app description or on Lildog’s product page.

Lildog is an all-Norwegian product, which means it is developed and produced in Norway. This way, we have full control over all aspects of operation, which gives you, as a user, that lilbit of extra security.

When you buy the product

There are several laws that regulate and secure your rights when buying something over the internet: the Contracts Act, the Consumer Purchase Act, the Right of Withdrawal act, the Marketing Act and the E-commerce Act. Those rights are inalienable, regardless of these terms.

When buying something from our website, you pay for the product. You can pay by debit card or Vipps (the latter only in Norway). You will immediately after the purchase receive an order confirmation at your specified email address. Delivery time is 3-5 days.

As a customer, you have the right to cancel the purchase without justification. This must be done within 14 days of receiving the product, and the product must be in the same condition as when it was received. When using the ‘right of withdrawal’, the amount paid will be refunded to the account from which the money was deducted in the first place. However, the customer must cover the cost of returning the product.

In the event of errors/defects in the order please contact us.

We will respond to any questions regarding the service. Lilbit AS, org. no. 817 870 902, can be reached at support@lildog.no or by telephone at +47 73 44 00 70.

Updates and changes

We are constantly working to improve the product and service, therefore, on a regular basis, we offer free updates for your device and the app. If you have turned on automatic updates on your phone, you do not need to take any action to have the latest software installed at all times.

Sometimes we can add new functionalities, or remove old functionalities to improve your experience.

Below are examples of changes we can make:

  • Updating and adjusting terms, products and services.
  • Increase or decrease adjustment of prices.
  • Select a network service provider, then move existing customers to the new provider.
  • Change the service as a result of regulatory changes and new security or industry requirements.

For us, it is important to be open and transparent during these updates and changes. Therefore, we will always let you know about changes that affect you as a customer before the changes take effect.

Location Device / Emergency

The Lildog service is intended for use as a communication and location tracking device. However, the Lildog service is not a failsafe security system. Therefore, proper safety precautions should always be practised when using the Lildog service.


The Lildog device is constantly collecting and transmitting data according to our Privacy Policy, such as location data. Such detailed data collection and use are critical to the successful operation of the Lildog service.

Who is our customer

Our customer is the individual who has registered the Lildog device. We are under no obligation to respond to requests, inquiries, demands or communications about a specific device from any party (such as another family member) other than our customer. However, we are happy to answer general questions about our service and products to whoever contacts our support team.

Lildog App License

In order to use the Lildog service, you will need to download and install the Lildog App. We hereby grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited license to use the Lildog app solely on devices that you own or manage. You represent and warrant to us that you have the right to install and operate the Lildog app on such devices you are using. The app can only be downloaded through App Store or Google Play.

Registration and Passwords

In order to use the Lildog service, you must register and install the Lildog app. All information about you must be truthful, and you may not use any aliases or other means to mask your true identity. All personal information must belong to you and not any other person. You are responsible for the security of your password and will be solely liable for any use or unauthorized use under your user name. If you suspect any unauthorized use of your account, you should change your password and/or contact us immediately. Please note that if you wish to delete your customer account, it will not be sufficient to uninstall the Lildog app. Requests for deletion must be addressed to our customer service.

Proprietary Rights

We are the exclusive owners and authorized licensors of the Lildog service, including all copies, software, graphics, images, designs and all copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property or proprietary rights contained therein. Without limiting the foregoing, you acknowledge that the Lildog service is the exclusive property of Lilbit AS and that you will not take any action inconsistent with our ownership rights or that would damage our ownership rights. No part of the Lildog service may be reverse engineered, decompiled or modified, nor may derivative works be created based on the Lildog service, without prior written consent from us. All rights not granted under these Terms of Service are reserved by us.

Disclaimer of warranties

We want to do our best to ensure that you as a customer have an enjoyable experience. Please contact us if you experience difficulties with the Lildog service.

To consumer customers, we are liable for direct losses due to deficiencies in the Service. However, this does not apply if we prove that the defect is due to circumstances beyond our control, and which we could not reasonably be expected to avoid or overcome the loss.

In relation to corporate customers, we are only liable for direct losses due to negligence on our part of us. Direct loss means necessary and documented additional expenses that the customer has incurred as a result of the defect.

We accept no liability for loss or damage to third parties caused by the use of the Lildog service.

We are not in any way liable for indirect losses due to defects unless the loss is caused by gross negligence or intent on our part. This applies to both consumer and corporate customers. Indirect losses include lost profits or goodwill, losses due to reduced or lost production or turnover, losses due to the service not being utilized as intended, lost profits as a result of a contract with a third party lapse or not being fulfilled as well as losses due to corrupted or degraded data.

Our total liability, regarding the Lildog service, is limited to NOK 50.000,- for each case, unless the loss is due to gross negligence or intent on our part.

We are not responsible for losses that can be traced back to conditions or actions caused by the customer or third parties, including losses that occur as a result of the customer's installation and use of software or the customer's connection of own equipment to our network.


If any part of these Terms of Service shall be held or declared to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be ineffective but shall not affect any other part of these Terms of Service.

Contact Information

We will respond to any questions regarding the services and these terms. Lilbit AS, org. no. 817 870 902, can be reached at support@lildog.com or by telephone at +47 73 44 00 70.

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Lildog AS - Skippergata 14

7042 Trondheim, Norway

(+47) 73 44 00 70

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